
New article entitled “Strongly correlated electrons in catalysis: focus on quantum exchange” published in Advances in Engineering

Quantum correlations within catalysts have been recently extensively explored. Understanding complex quantum phenomena, such as those involved in ferromagnetism and metal-insulator transitions, is an interesting research area that is of great significance in both academic domain and real-life applications. For example, strongly correlated electrons have considerable influence on various aspects of heterogenous catalysts like cost, implementation, efficiency and environmental footprint. They are thus vital in enhancing the efficiency of electrocatalytic processes for green and sustainable hydrogen production. Among spin-dependent potentials, quantum spin-exchange interactions (QSEI) are the most extensively studied, even though by only few research groups. QSEI are space-time scattering events found among electrons with similar spin. Owing to their ability to change orbitals, they enable electrons with the same spin to avoid proximity. Consequently, quantum spin-exchange interactions (QSEI), which are not part of classical physics, are reportedly responsible for unique magnetic catalyst properties. Thus, the two mechanisms, QSEI and QEXI (quantum excitation interactions), are crucial considerations in quantum correlations.

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Biz, C., Fianchini, M., & Gracia, J. (2021). Strongly Correlated Electrons in Catalysis: Focus on Quantum Exchange. ACS Catalysis, 11(22), 14249-14261.