The University of Glasgow was founded in 1451 and has been home to many distinguished scientists including James Watt, Lord Kelvin, John Kerr, John Logie Baird, Robert Stirling and William John Macquorn Rankine. The University presently has 20,000 students from 80 different countries and also provides lifelong learning to a further 4,000 students.

The University’s School of Engineering is the oldest in the U.K. with the Regius Chair founded in 1840. The Division of Electronics and Nanoscale Engineering (ENE) has a 40 years legacy in nanofabrication and nanoelectronics and is home to the James Watt Nanofabrication Centre (JWNC), a 1350 m2 cleanroom facility housing tools worthy over £32M and supported by 22 technical staff.

It has 25 academics who work on electronic, photonic, microsystem and nanofabrication technologies. Its research addresses a broad range of socially and industrially important applications in our many partnerships in academia, industry and government bodies. Key areas of interest for the ENE division include: sensors; telecommunications; quantum information processing; terahertz and millimetre wave technology; advanced microelectronic devices; device simulation; metrology; and instrumentation.

The University of Glasgow has been at the forefront of resonant tunnelling diode (RTD) development in Europe for well over 25 years. The highlight of earlier work was the integration of an RTD with an optical waveguide to realise an electro-absorption-modulator, which was commercialised in a start-up company, Essient Photonics, in 2002.

Recent work has focused on the integration of RTDs with other optical components including communications lasers and photodetectors where first demonstrations of RTD-based radio-over-fibre (wireless to fibre and fibre to wireless) have been shown. Aside from the RTD-optoelectronics work, a parallel research theme on RTD-based high frequency circuits has been established over the last few years where the focus has been on developing high efficiency and high frequency (mm-wave and THz) RTD sources for numerous applications including imaging and high-bandwidth communications.



Professor of High Frequency Electronics
The University of Glasgow


Dr. Edward Wasige is a Senior Lecturer and leads the High Frequency Electronics (HFE) Group at the School of Engineering, University of Glasgow.

He obtained his PhD in 1999 from Kassel University (Germany) for developing a quasi-monolithic integration technology for microwave and millimetre-wave circuits. III-V active devices (GaAs FETs) were embedded in high resistivity Si substrates to realise low cost high performance circuits. Thereafter, he held a UNESCO postdoctoral fellowship at The Technion (Israel) where he worked on resonant tunnelling diode (RTD) oscillators; experimental modelling of heterojunction bipolar transistors; and on the processing of gallium nitride high electron mobility transistors.

His work on terahertz resonant tunnelling diode sources is funded by the UK Engineering Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC grants GR/S75840/01 and EP/J019747/1). He is the coordinator and technical lead of iBROW, a Horizon 2020 project 645369 on the smart optical and wireless network technologies theme, and a partner on TERAPOD, a H2020 project 761579 on wireless data centres. He is also the coordinator of the TeraApps project - Doctoral Training Network in Terahertz Technologies for Imaging, Radar and Communication Applications - a Horizon 2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions, project 765426. Dr Wasige also leads research on the development of new types of gallium nitride (GaN) based high electron mobility transistors (HEMTs) for power electronics and for RF applications. The work on GaN is presently funded the UK Ministry of Defence for the development of GaN based microwave power amplifiers and by the EPSRC for GaN power electronic devices.


Robert Hadfield

Professor of Photonics (Electronic & Nanoscale Engineering)

The University of Glasgow

Robert Hadfield is Professor of Photonics in the School of Engineering at the University of Glasgow. He holds a European Research Council Consolidator Grant and Royal Society Leverhulme Trust Senior Research Fellowship. He served as Head of the Division of Electronic and Nanoscale Engineering from August 2014 to July 2018. He is a co-investigator of QUANTIC, the UK Quantum Technology hub in imaging, led by the University of Glasgow.

He completed his PhD at the University of Cambridge, UK in 2003. He was a postdoctoral guest researcher at the US National Institute of Standards and Technology in Boulder, Colorado from 2003 to 2006. He returned to the UK in 2007 as a Royal Society University Research Fellow at Heriot-Watt University and was promoted to Reader in Physics in 2009.

He was awarded the 2012 J&E Hall Gold Medal of the Institute of Refrigeration and the 2013 Brian Pippard Prize of the Institute of Physics Superconductivity Group. He was elected a Fellow of the Institute of Physics in 2010, a Fellow of the Institution of Engineering and Technology in 2015, a Fellow of the Optical Society of America in 2016 and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh in 2019. He is a Senior Member of IEEE and SPIE. He has served on the editorial boards of the Journals Superconductor Science and Technology (IoP), Optics Express (OSA) and Royal Society Open Science (Royal Society of London). He is joining the editorial board of Optica (OSA) from April 2019. He is editor of a major title in the Springer Quantum Science and Technology Series, Superconducting Devices in Quantum Optics, published in spring 2016. He was Guest Professor at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden in August 2018 through the Wallenberg Centre for Quantum Technology. He will co-chair the European Conference on Applied Superconductivity, EUCAS 2019, at the Scottish Event Campus, SEC, in Glasgow in September 2019.