Universitat de les Illes Balears (UIB) is a higher-education and research institution. The researchers composing the UIB team at the Department of Physics are part of the group of non linear wave (onl.uib.eu) and they have been engaged in the theoretical and experimental research of the dynamics of semiconductor lasers and optical amplifiers for almost 20 years. During this lapse, they have contributed to the analysis of the turn-on time statistics of directly modulated semiconductor lasers, to the field of polarization instabilities and dynamics in Vertical-Cavity Semiconductor Lasers, to the study of instabilities in the emission profile of gain-guided and broad-area devices, including spatial cavity solitons, ultra-fast directional reversals of ring lasers and the dynamics of mode-locked lasers as well as dissipative vectorial and phase soliton in VCSELs.
The group is also active in the field of nonlinear optoelectronic via the study of Resonant Tunneling diode circuits in the GHz range and well as fluid dynamics and optically induced tissue ablation.
UIB is a recognized expert in the modeling of Vertical Cavity Emitting lasers, semiconductor rings laser and mode locked semiconductor lasers and has developed a mesoscopic approach to the optical response of active semiconductor media that describes the carrier and wavelength dependence of the gain and index of refraction on ps time-scales. Using this approach, UIB researchers have developed an open source multi-section Travelling-Wave software (Freetwm) for semiconductor lasers in arbitrary cavity configurations that allows studying e. g. mode-locked operation or response to external injected fields (onl.uib.eu/Softwares/Freetwm).
Julien Javaloyes
Senior Lecturer at the Physics Department
Universitat de les Illes Balears
Dr. Julien Javaloyes, Senior Lecturer (Titular de Universidad) at the Physics Department of the UIB. He is an internationally recognized in the modeling of multimode semiconductor lasers and neuromorphic dynamics in photonic systems. After receiving a master from the Ecole Normale de Lyon and a Ph.D. degree from the University of Nice Sophia-Antipolis for his work on the dynamics of complex optical systems and lasers physics, his postdoctoral research – that encompasses stays at the Theoretical Nonlinear Optics Group (Brussels), the Physics Department of the UIB under competitive Juan de La Cierva and Ramón y Cajal fellowships, and the University of Glasgow funded by an EPSRC project – has focused on semiconductor laser modeling, with emphasis on semiconductor Ring lasers, Vertical Cavity Emitting Lasers and mode-locking, but also on the dynamics of resonant tunneling diodes and excitability for neuromorphic computing.
He has led the development of the open source software dynamical simulator of multi-section semiconductor lasers Freetwm actively used in several prestigious universities like e.g. TU/e Eindhoven, Weierstrass institute Berlin or Politecnica Madrid to cite but a few. He was invited professor at the Institut Non linéaire de Nice in 2013 and 2015 the Weierstrass institute Berlin, in 2014, The university of Münster in 2017 and the IES in Montpellier in 2018.
He serves as reviewer for most APS and OSA journals, he has published 70 papers in international journals, and presented over 60 invited and regular talks at international conferences and hold one patent.